Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cell phones in school free essay sample

I think students should be able to have the ability to have a phone present with them at all times even at school. There could be an emergency and the child might be far away from a phone when they need medical attention right away. Some medical emergencies include choking, seizures or children with broken bones at school. Emergencies can also happen with the teacher. The teacher could be in need of medical attention. A teacher could have a heart attach or a Stroke. Things could append on the bus to school or even on a field trip. Cell phones could come in handy during medicinal emergencies. Such non- emergencies could include kidnappings and school shootings. Students could call the police when these things happen. When people get hurt during a natural disaster, like tornados or hurricanes the phone could help them if they are stuck and cant get out. We will write a custom essay sample on Cell phones in school or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order for a student to use a phone in the school, there should be guidelines for phone use. An agreement paper should be signed by the parents, the student and the teacher all saying that they agree to the guidelines of phone use in the class. Guidelines should be made. The phones should only be used for situations only and should not be used in class time. Students in school should have the use of cellular devices on school property for the potential use for emergencies. This is why schools should allow cellular devices in the school. Think students should be able to have the ability to have a phone present tit them at all times even at school. There could be an emergency and the child might be far away from a phone when they need medical attention right away. Some medical emergencies include choking, seizures or children with broken bones at school. Emergencies can also happen with the teacher. The teacher could be in need of medical attention. A teacher could have a heart attach or a Stroke. Things could happen on the bus to school or even on a field trip. The school.

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